Reese Witherspoon got a new dog and she named him Major


Reese Witherspoon’s family is expanding in the cutest way possible. Last October, Reese lost her beloved Pepper to cancer. In November, the family happily welcomed Minnie Pearl into their home:

Look at that face! I love that her expression looks like, “Are we done here?” Sorry, Minnie – when you’re that cute, you’d best get used to having your photo taken. Understandably, Minnie quickly became a staple on Reese’s IG page, even posing with her nephew, Benji, who is Reese’s daughter Ava Phillippe’s rescue pup (photo below). Well, now Minnie will have a new face to share the lens with, her new brother Major. Reese shared the good news with her fans over the weekend that she’s welcomed a black Labrador puppy named Major:

Oh my stars and garters, look at those two dogs! How do you get anything done in that house? I am not that familiar with French bulldogs as a breed, are they high energy? I know Labs are, dog rearing is likely a full-time job at the Witherspoon house currently. Despite the fact the Major probably already outweighs Minnie, I’m willing to bet Minnie rules that roost, she has that vibe. Also, how does Reese get these puppies to sit for photos so perfectly? I have hundreds of shots of mine mid-takeoff, even when I sneak up on them sleeping.

However, you may notice something familiar about Major: his name. Major, of course, is the name of one of President Biden’s dogs. Major, Champ and the First Cat will bring some much-needed pet energy back into the White House. Major is significant in that he will be the first rescue dog to ever live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. So significant that Major was given his own Indoguration. I know, it looks like this is favoritism but this Indoguration was sponsored by the Delaware Humane Society from which Major was adopted. It’s just letting other mixed breed dogs know that they don’t have to have a Pedigree upbringing to one day live at the White House – any dog can rise to the rank of First Dog in America. Champ rocks too!

As for Major Witherspoon, I think he’s the first in many Major pups to come. Folks are ready to honor this new sense of hope we are feeling in any way we can. I imagine with all the Kamalas, Harrises, Josephs, Jills and probably even Bidens we’ll hear at the people parks, we will hear more and more Majors and Champs at the dog parks as well. I’m all for it, those are great names – human and dog.

major biden


champ major biden

Photo credit: Instagram
