Chicago PD Recap 02/22/23: Season 10 Episode 14 Trapped

Chicago PD Recap 02/22/23: Season 10 Episode 14 "Trapped"

Tonight on NBC their drama Chicago PD returns with an all-new Wednesday, February 22, 2022, season 10 episode 14 called, “Trapped,” and we have your Chicago PD recap below. In tonight’s Chicago PD season, 10 episode 14 called, “Trapped,“ as per the NBC synopsis, “After a brutal shooting, Burgess and Ruzek find themselves trapped aboard the busy “L” subway train.

As they piece together scant evidence, the team is drawn into a dark family drama. Burgess’ proximity to the shooting triggers harsh memories.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Chicago PD recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Chicago PD recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Tonight’s episode begins with Detective Burgess who was struggling with PTSD. She has been ever since she was shot on the job. She would go through these stages where she thought she was getting better and then something would set her off. Like the time she heard a car backfiring. Burgess had been at home with her family when she heard that car backfiring and she mistakenly assumed it was gunshots. She was holding glass at the time that she broke. She squeeze it so hard that it cut up her hand. Not that she noticed because she froze in terror. She didn’t notice her daughter asking if she was alright because she went back to her own shooting and lost track of her current state.

It had taken Ruzek literally shaking her to remind her of where she was. That she was safe. She snapped out of it. Although Ruzek wasn’t happy with leaving things there. He also demanded that Burgess see the department shrink and he told her that it wasn’t for him. She wouldn’t be doing this for him. It was for her daughter. She scared McKayla with the way she froze. McKayla has already dealt with her own trauma and she didn’t need to deal with her mom’s trauma as well. Burgess at least saw his point about McKayla. And she agrees to therapy.

She just didn’t give it much of a shot. Burgess was done after one session. She didn’t want to admit that she has a problem or that her mental health was suffering because it might affect her work. She might get benched if the shrink reported her. So, Burgess did her best to bury her problems. She told Ruzek that she was fine. She told the therapist she was fine. She was doing her best to convince the both of them of that when she overheard real gunshots. She knew they were real because Ruzek heard them too. They both followed the noise to the corner of the street where an eyewitness said that the shooter went up the steps to the subway.

Burgess and Ruzek pursued this shooter. They went up the stairs. They went to the platform and Burgess saw a man with a gunshot wound getting on the train. Burgess followed him. She also had Ruzek followed him and it turns out the shooter was also on the train as well. The shooter seemed to be after one man. The man he shot. Burgess got to this man first and she did her best to offer him first aide. The victim tried to warn her that the shooter was on the train with them when the train stopped.

The shooter was trying to make his escape because he saw the cops. He escaped by forcing the conductor to stop the train and Ruzek was fast on his tail. Ruzek tried to protect everyone else onboard by advising the conductor to clear out the train as quickly as possible while he pursued the gunman. But he left Burgess onboard the train with the victim. She was doing her best to treat him when she heard more gunshots. This time Ruzek wasn’t around and unfortunately that’s when her PTSD kicked back in. Burgess had one hand stemming the blood flow on the victim and the rest of her was lying on the ground with him trying to remember how to breathe.

It was bad before. It only got worse after the victim died. The poor guy didn’t have a wallet on him nor did he tell Burgess his name. The only thing he could say was that “they lied. He wasn’t in California”. Backup arrived once Burgess was able to pull herself together. Only by then, the shooter had gotten away from Ruzek and escaped into the crowd. Ruzek still got a pretty good look at him though. This proved helpful because they were later able to identify their murder victim. His name was Jamie Bagley.

Jamie was from Minnesota. The only people he knew in Chicago were his aunt and uncle. It was his uncle Aaron Bagley that killed him. There were also some bruising on Jamie. He was beaten up first before he was killed. Again, by his uncle. Burgess and Ruzek couldn’t understand why an uncle would suddenly turn on a nephew and who was allegedly visiting to see him and so they stopped by the uncle’s home. He wasn’t there. His wife Marlene was along with their new baby. Except there were records showing that there was an older child for the couple that should have been there. His name was Lucas.

Burgess asked Marlene where her son was. Marlene claimed he was on vacation. Burgess asked where on vacation and Aaron’s wife didn’t want to tell them at first. They had to threaten separating her from her baby to get her to at least say that her other son was on vacation in California. It reminded Burgess of Jamie’s final words. He said “they lied. He wasn’t in California”. Jamie must have found out his aunt and uncle lied about their older son being in California. And he came to Chicago to get answers.

Marlene said that Lucas was with family in California. But they didn’t have any family in California. They also pulled Lucas out of school right when their new baby was born because they said Lucas was moving to California and that’s why the school never reported him missing. They even told the same story with their neighbors. Therefore no one suspected a thing when they hadn’t seen Lucas in months. His parents lied to everyone. They got a new baby and decided to toss Lucas out like trash. They had kept Lucas living out of a secluded room in the garage. He was barely given enough to eat or drink. He was treated horribly and Jamie must have found out about it.

Jamie was concerned for his cousin. Him coming to Chicago was what got him killed. Aaron appears to have moved Lucas after he escaped from the train and Marlene wasn’t talking. She didn’t care about Lucas anymore. She only cared about that new baby. The police put out a BOLO on Aaron. They later found his car near the woods. They knew that Aaron planned on killing his son and that it was up to them to stop him. They followed him into the woods. They split up to cover more ground. Burgess was the one to find Lucas first. Aaron threw his own son down a well. And so Burgess went in to go get him.

While she was done there, Aaron came by. He shot into the well and then he covered the opening up. He weighted it down with stone. Burgess had to strong arm the opening and she called for help the second she got signal again.

But Burgess’s PTSD was triggered again when she overheard gunshots and, while Aaron was thankfully killed by the cops, this whole thing made her realize that she needs actual help.

Burgess returned to therapy and this time she was honest about her feelings.

The End
